Saturday, January 10, 2015

I'm a blogger

This saturday started off like any other. John got up and went to practice (he's a coach for a boys high school basketball team) and I lounged in bed. I was thoroughly enjoying my morning of relaxation, not really wanting to do what I had planned for the day... cleaning.

Eventually I got up and started tackling the mess that our bedroom had become. Not really feeling motivated I decided to turn on the T.V. for background noise as I cleaned. I'll admit it..i'm a T.V. junkie. I love T.V. and will watch just about any show. Yes, I especially love those stupid reality shows like real housewives.

Today there was a show on the Food Network, Fitness: Impossible. The show features chef Robert Irvine who shows people how to eat/cook healthier and work out. It really got me thinking about my food and workout choices that I have made lately. As I type this I am eating chips with white queso cheese... YUMMY! :) Still listening to the show, I went into the bathroom and started cleaning the tub. And this is where it hit me:

I should start a blog. It was the perfect idea. I had so many goals for the year 2015- so what better way than to start documenting my experiences. This is not the first time I have thought about writing a blog. Maybe it is the first time I'm actually taking it serious. Just the other day my boss (here is your credit Alyssa) was telling me that I should start one. Her reasoning being that you get free products which you in turn try out and write about your experience- which I must admit is a cool perk. But I know for her, it is something she has enjoyed doing and I think for me it could become that to.

So my goal is to post at least once a week. What will I be writing about you ask? Well- hopefully a lot of things. I've come to realize 5 things over the course of the day:

1- I've been watching WAY too much T.V.
2- I need to start eating better
3- My anxiety has gotten worse over the past couple of weeks
4- I want to start doing more projects around the house
5- I want to start running again. Like when I was in high school. I miss it.

So hopefully this blog will help me to improve those 5 things.

My first goal to tackle...... eating better. After I finish writing my first official blog post, I am going to sit down with John and tackle a meal plan for the week. All meals hopefully will be healthier than the chips and queso I'm currently choosing to eat.

Wish me luck :)

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